Amendment Five has been added to the Empyrean Accord that shows the recovered ranking system of Comrade's Gate. This will be slowly implemented throughout the discord and community.

Amendment Five: Comrade’s Gate Organization Ranks
● Imperial Guard
Administration: This role is for the community administration & the current holders of the Imperial Keys of Comrade’s Gate.
● Viceroy
Administration: This role is for community administration and leaders of Comrade’s Gate.
● Patrons
Subscribers: This role is for members that have subscribed to the Comrade's Gate Discord subscription. This is an exclusive role to subscribers that include special community benefits and masks what role you have at the time with the Patron Role.
● Empyrean
Pillars of the Community: The highest rank and honor a member can achieve. This role is for community members that have aided in the organization of branches of the Gate and helped the community greatly; these are considered some of the most loyal/trusted comrades. To attain this rank, you must request an Empyrean Trial anytime after reaching either the Lord or Baron rank.
● Lord
Lordship of the Gate: This role is for members that have been dedicated for over 2 year at Comrade's Gate.
● Baron
Barons of the Gate: This role is for members that have been dedicated for over 1 year at Comrade's Gate.
● Paladin
Paladins of the Gate: This role is for members that have been dedicated for over 6 months at Comrade's Gate.
● Knight
Knighthood of the Gate: This role is for members that have been dedicated for over 3 months at Comrade's Gate.
● Comrade
New Members: A new community member of Comrade's Gate.